Coming Soon


Frosh aims to build a sense of faith; family amongst the three pillars holding an institute together with the faculty, the seniors, and the freshers.


Frosh provides a reliable support system to hold your hand through the tough times that one might face.


Frosh believes in an optimistic approach while dealing with the challenges one has to face in life.


Frosh creates an energetic and spirited environment for the freshers for them to comfortably express their talents.


Frosh lays out a humble atmosphere for the freshers to approach them without hesitation.

Important Documents

Documents that will help you get a better understanding of the campus and the events that will be held.

Our Team

A productive environment is created by carrying out these duties with the utmost energy and motivation each day resulting in the formation of a close-knit team. A team always succeeds in reaching its goal when all members work in cooperation to complete their allocated tasks.
By planning several events for the freshmen's acclimatization to the new environment, including both technical and non-technical skills, FROSH 2024, a team of 20 students, hopes to help the freshmen make a smooth transition from their school life to the college habits.